Sunday, January 31, 2016

The new features of Android 6

The new features of Android 6

No matter what statistics one tries - all attest Android a global market share of over 80 percent, by far, followed by iOS, which can claim about 15 percent for years. The remaining five percent are distributed among systems that go dawn a few years in the niche before they disappear. The most recent example is the BlackBerry OS, which its creator Research in Motion Click here to buy from Amazon (RIM) with the decision, henceforth to rely on Android, has dealt the killing blow.

Next candidate on the hit list could be Windows Phone / Windows Mobile. IDC sees the market share in the most recent analysis of December 2015, 2.2 per cent and is a sobering outlook: "A significant growth is not expected in the coming years." The efforts are enormous that Microsoft has made in recent years , to fight for smartphone business. 2010 was adjusted with Windows Phone 7 is a fundamentally renewed OS on its feet, its surface (Metro UI) already the principles of "flat design" followed, which today dominates the digital imagery and follow the latest versions of Android and iOS , 2013 Microsoft paid more than five billion euros for the mobile phone division of Nokia, to "realize the full potential of the Windows ecosystem."

But in all the years I was never able to convince customers of Windows Phone. The rather resorted to iPhones or Androids, forcing Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who succeeded by Steve Ballmer early 2014, to a radical change of course: mid-2015, he announced the dismissal of nearly 8,000 employees at, wrote the huge sum of 6.9 billion euros to the Nokia deal and declared henceforth operate no independent business more with smartphones, but only to bring models, which is the Windows family bereichern.Seit early October 2015, the Android operating system 6 available on the market. The basic innovations and features we tested for you.

The Android operating system 6 came in October 2015 into the public eye. Although firmierte this system at the Google I / O under the name "Android M", but the main features were already available. In addition to functions used to manage and index, then this operating system security in the center. Meanwhile, users of Nexus 7 in the version of 2013 or a Nexus player on Android 6 can draw. As part of the launch published various producers of smartphones and tablets updates for the new operating system. This benefit in particular owners of HTC devices, since this manufacturer must inform the customer via Twitter about innovations in terms of Android 6-enabled products and features.

In the following we would like to introduce the operating system and its main features. We have 6 tested Android based on the available Nexus models.
The first obvious change is that users receive when starting a Nexus device, a coastal beach as wallpaper. Furthermore Android 6 provides a function that was previously reserved for users of tablets, namely a rotatable display. In addition to these changes, the jump immediately catches the eye, you will find more in your installed apps. As would be the search bar at the top of the screen, with which can be sought within installed apps. Secondly Android app provides 6 a history in the top bar that displays the most recently used applications. Should more apps have been installed, as it allows the display screen, in addition to the scroll bar to the first letter of the apps will appear, which facilitates efficient and faster navigation. The surface is otherwise on proven, the right innovations are but behind it and relating to the security of your device and its applications.

Assign and revoke permissions for personalization

Although the required permissions of an application during installation have already been listed for Android Lollipop, but it was not possible for users to reject individual options. This only been able Rooted tablet or smartphone with appropriate apps. Here Google has significantly reworked because the app info now have the menu item "Permissions". This includes all the rights that are granted to the applications. You now have the opportunity, other each option on and off. In this way you can control the number of hits an app on your data and the hardware of your smartphone individually. A first test has already led to satisfactory results, but some revisions on the part of the developers are required at this point because so far not supported any app this feature. With a consistent implementation of this feature, it provides the ability to assign permissions individually and to withdraw. Android 6 Siehr this to eight types of rights that can be set individually - from the telephone function to the built-in sensors.
Payments due to fingerprint scanner and Android Pay

Already the iPhone 5s Apple had a home button and scanners that can be used along with the Touch ID your biometric data for secure payment of purchases or as password replacement. With the Android 6 Google is now following this example and also implements an interface, will release with the operations of a finger. Furthermore leads Google with Android Pay a payment service one, which already experienced by well-known international companies or apps such as Best Buy, Groupon, McDonald's, Toys R Us or overuse.

The advantages are obvious, as the payment in shops on your smartphone and the NFC protocol is handled. Comparable to other smart card systems, the smart phone is held near the reader in order to authorize the payment in this way. Your credit card number is stored only on Google, so that in a transaction only a one-time number is sent to the dealer. Once complete, you can view your transaction data in a payment overview. In this way can also immediately check whether someone has accessed your account. Most likely, the management of Android will pay "pay mobile" in the settings on the spot carried out, which still did not work, however, in the second preview of Android. 6

Simplified backup

Another aspect in terms of safety is to back up your settings and application data, which has been significantly improved. Android 6 required for the development of documentation no additional app more, since the data is automatically synchronized every 24 hours with your Google Drive account. Your device to the wireless network must be connected and have enough battery power to complete this operation.

Effective use of storage and manage apps

Away from the security aspects of Android 6 bitetet the system in the settings menu item "memory & USB" to manage the internal memory. By means of the menu item "Things" can be accessed directly on the browser of the internal memory, in which the individual locations can be individually controlled. In the underlying index can be found a division into the individual user groups. The representation of the memory is minimalist but clearly, as only a single beam with the used memory is displayed. The same applies to the presentation of the working memory, which is called under "Memory". With the reference at the bottom of the screen to display the average memory usage of each app. But not only the administration but also the deletion of apps that are on the home screen, has become easier with Android. 6 These can be deleted from your mobile device not only directly from the home screen, but also completely. Select the app with your finger at the top of "Uninstall" to Delete addition to the usual function of the link appears. This allows the app to be removed completely.

In addition, Android 6 has a feature that users may be aware of Google Now. With this you can, if you with the request received, for example, a Whatsapp message to take residence at a specific location, start directly from the messaging app out a route determination.

Improved Quick Settings and the return of the silent mode

The improvements to the Quick Settings are not apparent at first, because they are hiding something. To select this, first select the Quick Settings. This is done by wiping with two fingers from top to bottom over the display. To "UI Tuner System" call up the menu point, click and hold on the Settings icon in the top right corner, which activates the program. Within the menu item "Quick Settings" you can arrange the tiles to your liking and add new ones. About the status bar is used to define what information should be displayed there. By default, once all available options active.

In addition, experienced in Android 6 of classic silent mode his return, which while reducing the volume by pressing the low volume button until the device only vibrates. Excluded is the alarm clock that is still heard from the speakers.

Battery consumption and new interfaces

According to the manufacturer, the battery consumption in Google Android 6 has significantly improved. With "Doze" a new feature was introduced that happen when you disconnect your mobile device from the charger, do not move the mobile device or the screen is inactive. In this state, the smartphone or tablet goes into power-saving mode, and the operating system stops the network communication of the Apps. The battery life of the device is given priority. So the duration is significantly improved and in some cases even doubled. Furthermore, you can individually adjust what about this for each app - can be realized "Settings> App". In the app-info You can find the item entitled "Battery", which adapts according to the energy consumption by selecting.

Android 6 supports finally the USB standard Type C, which allows you to charge your smartphone is not only faster, but the internal battery also can use for charging other devices.

The new features of Android 6 make the rooting of smartphones increasingly superfluous. Now other companies have to follow suit, since Google has already filed with the Nexus series. Although used according to Google in November 2015 already 25.6% of all users Android Lollipop, the most popular operating system but is still Android 4.4. If the manufacturer with Android be 6 faster this time in porting, Android 6 is likely to be a similar success story as Android 4.4.

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